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Customer Testimonials

During the years, our organization has utilized Paragon Productions in a variety of capacities, they have provided professional services beyond all expectations. The entire team is creative, enthusiastic, and energetic.

Carla C. - California HOSA

The experience we have had with Paragon Productions has been outstanding and remarkably an added contribution to the success of our events.

Angela H. - Jacob Hefter Foundation

Paragon Productions was prepared and ready to rock and roll for our show. They made sure to connect with every member of the band during set up and sound check. They optimized the sound and are definitely not "set it and forget it" guys. Their team was alert and attentive throughout the entire performance, it was refreshing to have a sound guy that was professional, courteous, and on point 100 percent of the time. 

Jacob N. - Jacob Nelson and The Tone Wranglers Band

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